While he’s still not ready to entirely concede defeat, exactly, Newt Gingrich these days sounds more like a man leading a cause than a campaign.
He wants to build in a strong commitment to the 10th Amendment, which assures power for the states, rather than Washington; a balanced-budget provision that would include a fund for debt repayment financed by royalties from oil and gas; a plan for energy independence; and a science research project to map the brain. Maximizing understanding of how the brain works is an idea he believes voters will find relevant in their own lives, given the aging of the population and the increasing incidence of such diseases as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Let's revisit my analogy of the storekeeper who hires a clerk to run his simple stationery store for a month while the storekeeper vacations.
The storekeeper has written down on a piece of paper the clerk's responsibilities, which are expressly limited to sweeping the sidewalk out front, putting out the flag each morning and taking it in each evening, submitting the order each Thursday, pricing the new items and stocking the shelves with them when the order comes in on Monday, ringing up sales, and handling any unforeseen events that provide for the general welfare of the business.
This means, essentially, "Handle it." The clerk's job is to handle things.
So you come back from vacation in your Hawaiian shirt and your flip flops and there's whirling red lights all over the place, and a panopticon of surveillance cameras with retina scanning technology, and armed goons barking at people to geddownonthegroundmotherfucker! and you hear screaming and wailing from the basement, where customers are being forced to jerk off and shove bananas up their own asses in a makeshift torture chamber.
And the clerk has scared off all the customers, the order hasn't been placed, and the flag is a tattered mess lying on the ground.
That is, to a T, the DISEASE known as United States. Only a pure fuckin' animal even recognizes it, much less participates in its derangement.
And yet we have dead-ender, egghead geniuses like Newt Gingrich running around, who are stuck back in the era of moonshots and the Great Society, prattling on about how we need a new national War on Alzheimer's Disease, complete with a federally funded brain mapping project.
Um, no.
If you permit that disease to know even the slightest thing about the human brain, you'd come back from vacation to find customers strapped down on medical tables, screaming, their skulls cut open and TSA agents jamming wires into their brains in an effort to convert everyone into zombified sex slaves or who can be trained to murder people for rare earth elements somewhere or do whatever else that sickness of a jurisdiction may desire.
Gingrich is no visionary. He honestly believes that the jurisdiction will last another five years. I will be highly surprised if there is courage and effort sufficient to reform what I am convinced will one day be regarded as the single most spectacular political failure in modern history.
Gingrich is living in Dreamland. So he's a perfect fit for the nation's highest office.