The long-term health damage caused by the great H1N1 swine flu scam “pandemic” of 2009 — and particularly the mass vaccination campaign that accompanied it — is already becoming apparent in the form of an autoimmune disorder. A new review published in the journal Public Library of Science ONE confirms that Pandemrix, a swine flu vaccine produced by drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), is responsible for causing an up to 1700 percent increase in narcolepsy among children and teenagers under 17 years of age.
Based on their findings, a cohort of scientists has determined that narcolepsy rates increased significantly following mass vaccination campaigns with Pandemrix. Compiled data has revealed that between 2002 and 2009, the narcolepsy rate among children under age 17 was 0.31 per 100,000. But in 2010, that number jumped to 5.3 per 100,000, which represents a 17-fold increase.
Under no circumstances would I ever permit any child of mine to be vaccinated. For anything. If it's not simian cancer viruses winding up in the polio vaccine, it's the Gardasil shot causing some sort of weird brain damage in the teenage girls. And now it's the swine flu shot giving you narcolepsy.
You know that corporations cut corners, right? Oh wait; is that just a conspiracy theory, then? Is it a conspiracy theory to point out the fly-by-night home builders that cut corners and use inferior concrete? Or that such and such a contractor didn't weld the bridge according to specifications, resulting in its collapse?
I see. Wow, you're a very trusting person.
Corporations often make mistakes. Or they cut corners.
Why would you permit someone to inject some unknown substance into your body? Are you stupid?
To permit your child to be inoculated by some stranger with some unknown substance is a dereliction of your parental duty. Would you permit someone to walk up to you and your child on the playground and force some unknown substance into his mouth?
"Oh, it's okay, Johnny. Eat it. I've no idea what it is. But the man says it's to help you. To doubt his motives would make me a conspiracy theorist."
Vaccines cause autism, by the way. (Ignore everything printed on newsprint or spoken from the television on the matter. Those media's credibility is zero and their opinions no longer exist.) A child's developing immune system is easily disturbed by an onslaught of vaccines. These vaccines ruin the immune system and cause brain inflammation, especially in boys, whose blood-brain barrier is not as impermeable as that of girls.
Autism is chiefly caused by environmental toxins which take advantage of genetic weaknesses.
This kid's brain was fried by vaccines --the shoddy products of the medical establishment. They get ya comin' and goin': Sell you the products that make you sick, then they drain the system dry with their home health aide services. See how the con works around here?
So this kid will spend his life drooling --all because some corporation wanted to make some money.
Do not EVER vaccinate yourself or your child. It is poison and cannot begin to compare with the recuperative power and genius of the human immune system.