A girlfriend gave me a sunflower for my birthday. I appreciated the sentiment but the flower was huge and the stalk as thick as a broom handle. I had no idea on the next steps, and I didn’t have a large vase.
She was irate a few days later when it was still in a pot in the kitchen. What was she thinking? Why is any woman giving a man flowers?
Bup-bup-bup. I'll handle this one, Mrs. Hax.
Sir, she seems high maintenance. If you were truly her man, you would already know why she's angry. That you have not read her thoughts is a priori evidence that you do not love her. It's your fault. It will always be your fault. Don't you see?
If you were to call her and say nice things to her on the phone, for example, within earshot of her friends who can overhear you --whose presence there you cannot know as you are not a remote viewer-- fratboy friends within earshot who might disapprove of her association with you, she might say to you loudly over the phone, "We're not dating. Don't dote on me."
So you stop doting on her and you stop acting like you're dating. "Hey," you figure, "Sorry for crossing the boundaries. My bad."
Then she sulks like a little queen and wonders why you're not being nice to her --you know, like how people act when they're dating --which you're not, since she already told you that she likes to get wid girls. All this queen's friends have been informed that she likes girls. So she's safe --safe to transmit her thoughts to you via mental telepathy, which, again, you would know how to receive if you really loved her.
So you move out of town, thinking that she's not interested. Turns out she was, though, so you try to get back in touch with her. She's clearly miffed that you moved out of town without reading her mind that she was interested when she's plainly (and loudly, within earshot of her fratboy friends whose presence within earshot you are unaware) telling you that you're out of line in thinking that she would ever get wid a guy. Now she's gonna punish you! Hmmph! She'll show you for not knowing she was interested while you lived in the same town while also telling you that you don't understand the boundaries! She's gonna make you wait! ...long enough now so that you don't have the vacation days to make the trip.
So now Queen is just working herself up into a multi-car pileup of perceived grievances about how you obviously don't love her --what with your failure to telepathically know that she was dating you inside her mind; and leaving town, dejected, when she won't speak to you; and then perking up when she later seems interested; then getting stood up when you make the fifteen hundred-mile trip by car since you don't like to fly.
And to top it all off, Queen knew that if you really loved her, you could always get her phone number from your mutual friends --who, Queen has failed to note, cannot stand her and refused to act as intermediaries and who would be furious to know that you had ever given her another thought, much less --what is it now?-- nine fuckin' years.
And then she'll get married, convinced that if you really loved her, you could somehow magically divine that she was engaged --when there is no means of your knowing that information-- and come running and protest at her wedding and proclaim your love for her, right out of some stupid romantic comedy which would never occur in this 3-dimensional reality outside of her mind.
See? It'll be your fault that she married the consolation prize, someone she'll have to look at across the dinner table every night, a constant reminder of your FAILURE to read her mind. So let's add that to the multi-car pileup of perceived grievances that she has with you, all of which you could have attended to at the moment they occurred if she had ever seen fit to providing you with her goddamned phone number at any time over the past nine years, which was Step One all along.
You want my advice, sir?
Don't waste your time. No amount of effort will suffice with that broad.