What, you don't believe me? What are you, some kind of conspiracy theorist? You're going to launch these personal attacks and insult both me and our distinguished company with your gauche demands for proof? I suppose you'll want to see my bank statement, too. Good God. Or are you an LGBTCCRAD hater? Hmm? Is that it, then? Your dark heart is just spewing forth its hate and you seek to confound me at every turn?
At a recent town hall meeting. Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) told a crowd that she is not convinced that President Obama’s birth certificate is legitimate (video below).
Rep. Hartzler said: “I don’t know, I haven’t seen it. I’m just at the same place you are on that. You read this, you read that. But I don’t understand why he didn’t show that right away. I mean, if someone asked for my birth certificate, I’d get my baby book and hand it out and say ‘Here it is,’ so I don’t know.”http://www.prisonplanet.com/video-rep-vicky-hartzler-doubts-pres-obamas-birth-certificate.html
I could easily insinuate myself into the rarefied upper strata of this tony little town's social circles. If I were a bit more venal than I am, I'd be at parties within a week, talking people up about all my patents and the licensing fees that pour into my bank account. I'd be dating their pretty daughters and driving the spare Mercedes and tagging along as the family vacations to Fiji. My own six degrees of separation.
My moral obligation ends at pointing out that there is a garden variety flim-flam artist in the White House. Like happening upon a street corner con job in progress, I am obligated to stop and point out the scam.
To some extent, I respect a con artist. It's a line of work, like anything else. If the marks insist on continuing with their fleecing, all I can do is smile, give a salute, and say, "Brother, you take these suckers for all they're worth. They are dummmb, dumb, dumb."
Contrary to what some may believe, it is the more intelligent and more self-regarding among a population who are the most easily conned. The stupid ones know they're stupid. So they're always on the lookout for the next scam.
But the smart ones know they're smart. So obviously no one could sneak up on them and pull a scam. It is theoretically impossible, don't you see. And they will resist acknowledging that they've been conned. To acknowledge that they've been taken for a ride would mean that they're not as smart as they thought.
...And we can't have that.
A professional con artist will seek out the smart ones for the very purpose of exploiting that built-in --let us call it-- "Smart Person Con Reinforcement Mechanism."
America wasn't done in by foreign bankers who flew drones into the Twin Towers, nor by bankers who installed their property into the White House. It was done in by suckers who simply refuse to admit that they've been conned, those who continue to lay fiver after fiver on the card table on the street corner.
Americans are both too smart and too dumb to have their own country.
You just keep rackin' up the wins, don't you?