I would ask that you reward my foresight and my persistence and doggedness. Listen to me:
There is a reason why I have not covered this LIBOR non-event. It is because it is not at all revelatory. The criminality which pervades this world isn't even approximated by the LIBOR scandal. If you were to fully comprehend the inhuman designs and machinations of the psychopaths who rule this world, you would fall to your knees and sob.
I have demonstrated spot-on judgment. Please defer to me.
Within five years, likely two, United States will be wiped. (Wolfteam: Instruct all attorneys to remain silent. This is above the paygrade of 99.999% of United States attorneys.) There is not a doubt in my mind about the violent overthrow of the so-called "government," a band of animals which has lost the moral propulsive force to speak on any legal matter.
The term "wiped" refers to a hyperviolent termination of all United States agents and institutions. In the resulting aftermath and power vacuum, we will see an unleashing of hell: kidnappings, rapes, murders, the settling of scores, people winding up on the side of the road with holes drilled in their heads, roving bands of thugs pressing the pretty into the sex trade, the loss of control of nuclear, biological, and radiological weapons, and everything else that occasions the sudden collapse of a behemoth of a political structure. You cannot even begin to conceive of the mayhem. It will be a Mad Max world. It will be the start of a new global dark age.
...and that is precisely what the central bankers of this world want. They desire total control over everything. For centuries, they have used currencies --the medium of exchange of all human industry-- to multiply their force. The principle is simple: If one controls the medium of human industry, then he controls human industry itself. And if one controls human industry, then he controls humanity itself.
If you are a United States employee, you will be unemployed within five years. And you will have no marketable skills. Who are you going to hire on with? Who needs a completely useless, feckless nobody on the payroll? So you can forget about sending the children to college, you can forget about retiring in comfort, and you can forget about all that you have been promised by a now-deceased, bankrupt employer. Like those East German high commanders of whatever intelligence agency or whatever esteemed government office, you'll wind up selling apples on the street corner, wondering why no one seems to care that you used to have a black SUV and a gas card.
We have one shot to reverse this, and I have a very strong suspicion that it depends on Fundamental Constabulary.
If you do not do as I recommend, you will come to regret it. So listen to me. Do not be useless. Do not be feckless.