(Yeah, yeah, I know. Your bosses in Washington don't like it when I mention your name. I don't actually care.)
I have a problem I'd like to discuss with you. And I have to discuss this problem with you by name because I'm tired of playing touch pee-pee with my audience. "Peek a boo! Where are you?! I hear you people giggling and muttering, but like the squirrels that have taken up residence in the walls of my shack, you always go silent when I creep over to investigate the source of the sound."
My bathroom smells like shit. Actual shit. Human shit. That is because there is something wrong with the septic tank. It's backed up and human shit is flowing back into the toilet. As a result, I am shitting in a bucket and dumping it in a hole in the ground that I have dug out back.
There is no money to fix the septic tank.
I, a national hero, a small businessman with a going concern of an indie stand-up comedy show, am shitting in a bucket while I've got all these people in my audience who simply refuse to buy their tickets.
Including you, Special Agent Saunders, and My Secret Mommy, and my various Vermont State Police audience members, and my linguistically impaired private prosecutor, and My Number One Fan, and my private investigative staff, and Senator Anthrax, and President Null and Void, and Attorney General Murder One, there are enough people in my audience who, if they were to buy their tickets like they're supposed to, could get that goddamned septic tank fixed.
Look at this, Saunders:
Nine dollars and forty-one cents. Nine dollars and forty-one cents is what I have made after an investment of one million, four hundred thirty thousand dollars over the course of seven years.
Yes, yes; I am aware of all the excuses about why people don't have to buy their tickets: It's my fault for putting it on the internet, it's my fault for not locking my show down by putting it behind a pay wall, it's my fault that I didn't hire adequate security to prevent shoplifting, it's my fault that I don't convert to an advertisement-based revenue model.
We work on the honor system here. Are you telling me that such a system is singularly unsuited to the class of people I have in my audience?
I couldn't give a flying fuck if you or your bosses think that it's okay to sit in on my show for free. This isn't a Facebook page, stupid. This is the professional undertaking of a critically acclaimed comedian who was selling tickets to his shows before that genius jurisdiction of yours declared me a terriss. (It's lights out over there when a comedian is considered a terrorist.)
Your bosses don't set the ticket price here. I do.
The price is $100 per person, per year. No exceptions. I don't give out comp passes.
So, Agent Saunders, why don't you get on a conference call with all the other g-man members of my delightful audience and you all can discuss the matter and come to your consensus conclusion that it's really not appropriate to steal from a man who is a national treasure and who really shouldn't have to squat over a five-gallon bucket to take a shit.
Is there something in your brain, Agent Saunders, that is malfunctioning? What is it about being a government employee that makes you think you can reduce my ticket price to zero merely by considering me investigation-worthy? Do you walk into a movie theater and just breeze right by the ticket booth and say, "I get in for free. I'm investigating this. My boss says I don't have to buy a ticket."
What makes you think you can just breeze right by my ticket booth? Is it because I don't have a brick and mortar operation like a movie theater? I could, you know, if the losers in my audience would buy their tickets. Hell, maybe I could even buy an entire chain of movie theaters. Would that be adequately conventional for you to understand that you need to buy a ticket? Is your conventional brain confused by the modern, space-age nature of my virtual show?
So, Mister Saunders, you put out the word that if the scared little bunny rabbits in my audience can't buy their tickets to the professional undertaking of a national hero, then there really is no hope for America. "We couldn't buy our tickets because it was too scary. And that's when we knew it was over in the land of the free and the home of the brave."
So roll onto one cheek, Agent Saunders of the United States Secret Service, and you pull out your completely wasted United States credit card, and you buy your ticket. (And maybe you can even be the point man! Maybe you can buy tickets on behalf of all the other g-men in my audience! If I had to take a guess, I'd say there were maybe around a thousand government employees in my audience who somehow think that my show is free. So why don't you buy tickets on their behalf? Let's average it out and say that the average person has been in my audience for three years. So that's a thousand people, times three years, times one hundred dollars per year. That's three hundred thousand dollars.
So I'm callin' you out, Agent Saunders of the United States Secret Service. I'm the usher. I've got my flashlight, and I'm escorting you by name right the fuck out of my theater and right back to the ticket booth. Here it is:
"Hello, Special Agent Saunders? This is Agent So and So over at the FBI. I'm working up a psychological profile on Christopher King. I understand you know him best. Can you tell me what motivates him? What makes him fly into a rage now and again and roll cop cars? He seems to have a very complicated mind. I'm willing to spend as many hours with you on the phone as necessary until we unravel the multifaceted enigma that is Chris King. What makes him angry? It is some deep seated resentment in his mind? About his mommy maybe?"
"No. It's very simple, really. It's because he has to take a shit in a bucket like an animal while everyone robs him blind for years on end. He could have done completely meaningless material and had a TV show like everyone else. In that business, if you're halfway decent looking and halfway funny, you can't NOT wind up on TV. The man's been blacklisted because he's undertaking something more significant than armpit fart noises. And he knew this going into it, so he launched his own indie operation with a ticket-based revenue model. But see, the special kicker here is that we all think it's okay to sneak into his theater without paying. He can't win for losin'! We've actually made it theoretically impossible for him to succeed! There's always some special, secret reason why nothing works out for him! And now he's wasted an entire decade of his life and who the fuck knows how much money! There you have it. We have now plumbed the whole two inches of the bottomless mystery that is Chris King. Anything else?"