I see that we're having trouble with the moon shot of a task of placing five cords of wood on my property.
What's the issue? What's our malfunction over at that heap of garbage? Is it that my existence is tippy-top secret? That I'm under investigation and that's why no one can acknowledge my existence right into buying their ticket? But we've already established that you'd pretty much have to be on thorazine around here not to catalog every last movement of one's federal investigators and investigatrices.
So since no one, including you and the attorney general and the president, appears willing to buy their ticket, I'm going to need to make my money on the back end: I'm going to need to earn my pay with a memoir and film rights and action figures and things like that.
So I would like your office to assemble various documentary evidence that I may employ in my writing of that memoir, including:
--My ability to lazily argue my own case in court during pretrial release by text messaging myself.
--My possession of information which effortlessly terminates United States.
--My residence inside an apparently impregnable legal bubble called a principality, being another one for the history books as I self-satisfyingly am, outside the jurisdiction of United States which I executed by yawning and speaking when I wasn't busy raking leaves.
--My ability to counsel my esteemed law enforcement audience on the proper means of conducting surveillance without permitting the subject to learn of his surveillance, our training sessions leavened with requisite dashes of humor, delivered by me while eating pistachio nuts with my feet up on the desk in my living room.
So if that's something you think you can do, perhaps I'll have some means of solving the retirement planning problem by methods other than waiting to get whacked and drinking myself into a stupor every night. Even the tiniest gesture would mean the world to me. Who knows? It might even add a few years to my life, during which I can continue to bring joy to my audience with my trademark, feel-good brand of humor.
Okay? Thanks.