Twitter has suspended the account belonging to ‘Truckers for the Constitution’, a group that has received national media attention over its plan to roadblock traffic in DC and arrest members of Congress later this week.
Although the event, scheduled for Friday, has been public for around a week, it went viral this morning after being covered in a lengthy piece by U.S. News & World Report which was also linked on the Drudge Report.
“We are not going to ask for impeachment,” the group’s organizer Earl Conlon said. “We are coming whether they like it or not. We’re not asking for impeachment, we’re asking for the arrest of everyone in government who has violated their oath of office.”
Prison » Twitter Shuts Down ‘Truckers for the Constitution’
Our fat, useless parasite class of tough-guy government employees will be completely psychologically broken when the first one or two of them get arrested by citizens tribunals.
There will come a day when politicians and judges and cops will be the most reviled, spat-upon underclass. They'll comprise an untouchable caste of pure human filth.
"Well lookee here," says the man to his buddies as some fat-assed "law" "enforcement" "professional" waddles his overfed ass down the street. He's gonna save the day.
So the guys surround him like they're about to steal his lunch money. They circle him and lightly slap his face like he's a little bitch. "Whatcha gonna do about it? Huh? Gonna call your useless partners in uselessness?" And they pull out his earpiece. They take his radio from him and fuck with the knobs and smash it on the sidewalk.
"Dance for us, Officer Useless."
"I-- You, you're under arrest."
And our longshoremen all bust out laughing as this government employee idiot somehow thinks that he's in charge.
"We said 'dance.' "
"Puh, please don't make me."
"Dance America's new favorite dance." And one of them taps the back of our civil servant's legs with the birch seal. "You know which one, the Teapot Dance."
So the useless government employee, having had an entire twelve years to catch the bad men, fattening himself up at the public feedlot all the while, occupying his time by filming you fuck your wife in the name of safety, begins to blubber like the weakling that he is, and he starts his little jig.
"I'm a little teapot, short and stout. ...I, I don't want to. Please don't make me."
"Do it! Start from the top, dipshit. Earn that pension of yours!"
So our model of uselessness wipes his nose and begins his shuffling and hopping little jig, right there on the sidewalk for all to enjoy:
"I'm a little teapot, short and stout." Sniff. "When the terriss come I fret and pout." Shuffle, hop. "So instead I'll sniff your asshole, that's what I'll do. I'm completely fuckin' useless, boo hoo hoo."