The Amber Alert government website has been restored to functionality after Internet users pointed out that the website and the system was never really down, and was just
made to appear that way by the Department of Justice, possibly as a publicity stunt.
I'll summarize for you: A government shutdown doesn't actually shut off government websites. It's not like the electricity has been turned off.
The Amber Alert website, run by the Justice Department, had its "index.html" page deliberately modified to redirect the user to a page called "unavailable.html," wherein the user was informed that the site was down due to the government shutdown.
But if you backspaced over the "unavailable.html" part and hit Enter, the site came up as normal.
This means that someone at the Justice Department instructed the I.T. department to expend labor to deliberately sabotage the Amber Alert website.
So not only are government employees completely useless, as I've long maintained, but now they will deliberately inconvenience the public by deliberately sabotaging systems and services that the public have already paid for.
And I guarantee you that the order came down from Mister Class Act himself, the Attorney General.