While it is true that I inhabit a legal construct called a principality, which construct is known by several names, including Christopher King and United Sovereigns of America, I am not to be regarded as what is commonly called a "sovereign citizen."
My sovereignty stems from the apparent inability of United States to successfully assert jurisdiction over an inhabitant of my principality. It is a complex legal status which has its origins in the death of the United States Government at 9:03 AM on September 11, 2001.
I am not a "sovereign citizen." I am sovereign in the sense that sovereignty devolves back whence it came when governments collapse, which the United States has done. The United States lacks the moral authority to speak on any legal matter, the fitness to speak the law being the very definition of jurisdiction.
I do not have what was reported by a newspaper as a "history of mental problems," nor do I labor under what were characterized by the Justice Department as "non-bizarre delusions."
Prior to my indictment, my lifetime exposure to any mental health professional, therapist, counselor, facility, doctor, or psychiatrist was 2.75 hours. This includes a forty-five-minute session with a therapist for what was essentially grief counseling, and a two-hour intelligence test administered by an autism specialist.
How, precisely, that turned into a "history of mental problems," I've no idea. I don't work in journalism.
Pursuant to the conditions of my probation, I attended sessions with a therapist, wherein we discussed how to go on dates. (Not together. I mean, me.)
That therapy ended a year ago anyway, as my therapist attested to the court that there was no compelling need for it. And that condition of probation was thus satisfied.
The final diagnosis was Aspergers Syndrome, a form of autism. That means that I excel at stringing two sentences together and that I have a weird, attentive look in my eyes when people speak to me. That's my main psychiatric malfunction in this world.
So there you have it. I would ask that any further writeups in the papers at least be accurate.