I sometimes hold things back from my audience lest my detractors use my words in an attempt to discredit me among some in my audience. But the upside to not holding anything back is that I gain credibility among the handful in my audience who truly understand the world. So I choose the latter.
There are higher-dimensional beings here. They exist in a more fundamental abstraction layer, one in which humanity's creator lives or at least moves. These beings are what are called "fallen angels" in Judaic and Christian writings.
The Most High God created this universe, this abstraction layer, this simulation, for the use and enjoyment of His pride: humanity.
Those who would later rebel were outraged that God created this place for the use by others. As a result, they despise humanity and they are sworn to poison it, traumatize it, debase it, and cause it to turn away from God, all undertaken by these fallen angels as an insult to God.
The people in charge in Washington and Tel Aviv are positively possessed by Satanic entities. They are in the process of destroying this world. They went far toward that goal by deliberately driving Fukushima's reactors into meltdown with Stuxnet.
If you permit any attack on Syria, it will draw Israel into it. Israel will nuke Damascus. Israel has used tactical nukes in Syria on at least one occasion recently.
The Iranians will be dragged into it, then the Russians and Chinese.
America will get its clock cleaned, which it deserves, which is why the cleaning will occur.
I just want you to know that any attack on Syria plays into the hands of the entities who despise this world and who will wreck it.
As usual, you will not take my advice. So you can kiss your precious nation goodbye. I've always maintained that Americans are too stupid to have their own country anyway.
So knock yourselves out as you get completely played by Satanic beings.