I am Christopher King. I am America's Senior Comedian and One-Man Weapons System for Truth.
My Video Intro
What follow are to be considered transcriptions of spoken word pieces that I would have delivered in a physical theater. You will also find video and audio pieces here.
This show has been roughed out years in advance, and material delivered as its time approached. There is an arc to this show. For that reason, posts --that is, pieces-- should be read in order, from older to newer. So if you've been absent for a bit, scroll all the way down and read upward.
Please remember that this is not a free show. This is the professional undertaking of a professional comedian who bet the farm on making this a going concern. Just because it is possible to steal my property does not mean that you may. If you go to the farmer's market and the man is away from his table, you are nonetheless obligated to put your money into the shoebox labeled "Put money here." My personal friends are exempted from buying their tickets, as well as those who may not be able to afford to buy a ticket. Everyone else is morally and legally obligated to buy a ticket if they partake of even, say, a dozen pieces of mine per year. Duck outside my theater for a cigarette as often as you like, but you didn't get in here in the first place without buying your ticket at the box office. The cost is $100 per person, per year. There is no law enforcement discount. There is no news media discount. No one gets a discount, unless you honestly don't have the money. (And to my law enforcement patrons: Even in Lenny Bruce's day, cops had to buy their tickets before they could get into his theater to jot their notes. Jot away, but if you are not here to arrest me or to shut the place down, then you are here covertly. If that is the case, then you are passing as ordinary patrons. If that is the case --and it is-- then you buy your tickets just like regular customers.)
Or mail $100 to Chris King, Grafton, Vermont 05146
This is the product safety sticker that accompanies all my speech:
There was a Pratt and Whitney JT9D 7-series compressor recovered from Murray Street in New York on 9-11, the precise identification of which is detailed in the Capta Brightstick Document. That incompatible engine hardware precludes Flight 175's presence at the scene of the crime and indicts the jurisdiction known as United States as criminal. If you are a member of a grand jury or jury, or if you are a judge, and if this product safety sticker has been removed from whatever speech of mine may have been presented to you, it is because the prosecutor is pulling a fast one on you and doesn't want you to know that the federal government auto-executed itself in a grand ceremony for all to see. Please have a nice day.
Updated legalese, added 11/1/2012 on the occasion of realizing that every time I go to court, Madame Prosecutor is forever waving around my intellectual property contained herein, content to use my words against me without having the decency to buy her ticket to my show. Well, here's something you can wave around: "I, Christopher King, do hereby plead guilty to whatever it is that Madame Prosecutor may allege. I'm rotten to the core and I secretly make fun of the judge all the time. As a result, I --and here these are my words, the words of the prosecutor and not of Mister King-- I have luscious melon breasts and I think the judge is the worst thing ever to happen to the court. You hear me, judge? That's right. I, Madame Prosecutor, secretly hate you and I think your rulings blow. I would like the record to reflect that Mister King is well hung and I ache for his tender ministrations. I suck, the prosecutor's office sucks, the judge sucks, and Mister King is a national treasure despite his plainly stating that he is guilty of all allegations that may ever be made. He plainly confirms that he is a dangerous terrorist. There. Let the record try to sort out who is who in this statement."
Or mail $100 to Chris King, Grafton, Vermont 05146.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
"So, yah."
"There's, uh, this one fat fuckah --gotta be big: three, four hundred pounds-- and he sees these two drunk bastids comin' home from ya typical Saint Patty's pahty, decides to roll 'em. This one bastid's spine is crushed, so we know the fuckah's big, finds a sink in the dumpstah and hits him over the head with it, crushes his spine. This otha bastid ain't goin' nowhere 'cause his ass is bandaged. The fat fuckah takes him next. ...Theah ya go. All solved."
Uh huh. Get me a latte.
[If you wish, you may watch this scene from one of my all-time favorites, "Boondock Saints." It's an uproariously funny movie and you should watch the whole thing someday. But for now, if you wish, you may watch the first six minutes of this clip:]
James Holmes, Aurora Shooter, Described As 'Smart Kid,' Quiet Loner By Classmates
James Holmes, who is accused of shooting 71 people, killing 12, in a crowded theater at a midnight showing of the new Batman movie Friday, was a smart, quiet first-year student in a highly competitive graduate program, former classmates said.
"He was a loner," said a classmate of Holmes' in the neuroscience program at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, who requested anonymity. "He was quiet."
Holmes, 24, graduated with honors from University of California-Riverside with a degree in neuroscience in spring 2010. He enrolled in the University of Colorado in June 2011, and was "in the process of withdrawing" at the time of the shooting, according to a university spokeswoman. Holmes graduated in 2006 from Westview High School in San Diego.
So lemme get this straight: Some 24-year-old kid, on the fast track to neuroscience stardom as some kind of brain surgeon or space station brain implant specialist or whatever the fuck it is these neuroscience PhD's do, decides that his future is adequately dim that he goes on a shooting rampage and then quietly sits down to await his arrest.
Uh huh. This has got MK-ULTRA written allllll over it.
MK-ULTRA was a CIA program whose purpose was to create mind-controlled actors. It was allegedly shut down after a Congressional inquiry in the Seventies. The program was simply too valuable. Why shut down a program just because some Congressman raises a stink about it? Naw, the program just got renamed and went back underground.
Lawful government in this world shall forever be under attack by unlawful elements who hide behind classified firewalls. The CIA is just one such unlawful element. They work for bankers --the bankers, for instance, who hired Rabbi Zakheim and his CIA and Mossad buddies to put a 7-series compressor on Murray Street.
The purpose of 9-11 was severalfold, one of which was to pollute the legal system of the United States with legislation that would not otherwise get passed, such as the draconian Patriot Act. Only in the delirium of Nine-Eleven Fever would such anti-American legislation pass. Now the American way of life hangs by one, small, fraying thread, not the robust steel cable of days past.
These criminal, unlawful elements are a one-trick pony. Again and again they go to the same well of false flag attacks. The principle is called "Problem, Reaction, Solution." It is very simple: Intelligence agencies provide the problem, which in the case of 9-11, is smelly ol' terriss flying planes into buildings.
This creates the desired reaction, which is fear, chaos, danger. The populace then demands that government do something to protect them.
Then these unlawful elements have their allies over in the lawful side of the house introduce legislation to solve the problem.
When the legislation is passed, the solution is achieved, that solution having been the preplanned goal all along.
It's how politics works.
We've seen false flag attacks against fundamental law before:
Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation "Fast and Furious" to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.
ATF officials didn't intend to publicly disclose their own role in letting Mexican cartels obtain the weapons, but emails show they discussed using the sales, including sales encouraged by ATF, to justify a new gun regulation called "Demand Letter 3". That would require some U.S. gun shops to report the sale of multiple rifles or "long guns." Demand Letter 3 was so named because it would be the third ATF program demanding gun dealers report tracing information.
On July 14, 2010 after ATF headquarters in Washington D.C. received an update on Fast and Furious, ATF Field Ops Assistant Director Mark Chait emailed Bill Newell, ATF's Phoenix Special Agent in Charge of Fast and Furious:
"Bill - can you see if these guns were all purchased from the same (licensed gun dealer) and at one time. We are looking at anecdotal cases to support a demand letter on long gun multiple sales. Thanks."
In those emails obtained by CBS, we see a criminal conspiracy to attack fundamental law --in this case, the People's statute known as the Second Amendment.
Fast and Furious was not a Whoopsie Daisy. It was not a gun-walking operation gone awry. It was always conceived as a coordinated attack on fundamental law, first started under George Bush, then continued under Barack Obama, both of whom are the private property of the same foreign bankers.
Foreign bankers do not like that there is a competing constabulary in the territory which they have very nearly completed conquering, the United States.
We know that a fiction created by a law cannot, by definition, enforce its own vivifying document. And for every creator of a fiction there must be a destroyer of that fiction. Implicit in that power to destroy is the power to police. Therefore, there must be a constabulary, and it cannot, by definition, be raised and commanded by that fiction itself.
That constabulary has been called the unorganized militia. It can also be called Fundamental Constabulary.
The people shall never be divested of the arms necessary to the policing of their fiction. End of discussion. It's not about duck hunting.
This fundamental constabulary must be disarmed at all costs so that the foreign bankers who have very nearly conquered your nation do not have to worry about their private property, the United States Government, being brought back under the control of its rightful owners, the American people.
And this implausible attack, by a grad student whose future seemed extraordinarily bright as some brain specialist, comes at an opportune time:
The Obama administration is actively engaged in negotiations to finalize details for a new global agreement premised to fight “terrorism”, “insurgency” and “international crime syndicates”. As U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon describes its purpose, “Our goal is clear: a robust and legally binding Arms Trade Treaty that will have a real impact on the lives of those millions of people suffering from consequences of armed conflict, repression and armed violence…It is ambitious, but it is achievable.
The United Nations is not a deliberative body. It is and always was conceived as a clearinghouse for treaties. The United Nations is the private property of David Rockefeller, the banker who provided the land in Manhattan on which was to be erected the office building of his new, private jurisdiction.
Perhaps the biggest flaw in the United States constitution is the provision whereby treaties trump all else. In theory, a treaty could completely nullify the entire constitution and retire the US Government. It makes no sense. According to that logic, simply by ratifying a treaty, the fiction would possess the power to destroy itself, which it cannot do because it did not create itself. Treaty supremacy is one of those cuckoo hall of mirrors things about the constitution.
So what's the solution if you need nettlesome fundamental law to magically go bye bye? Just type up a treaty, say it's for the children or the terriss or whatever, promulgate it through your privately owned treaty clearinghouse, the UN, and have your employees in intelligence provide the "problem" to which your employees in the United States government can provide the "solution."
Plain and simple: You want to fully conquer a target nation after polluting its legal system with draconian legislation? Disarm its fundamental constabulary by way of treaty. That's what's going on here, not some disgruntled grad student.
So you can see that getting a treaty ratified which disarms a competing constabulary is easy as pie if you just shoot up the place with one of your mind-controlled patsies.
I guarantee you that you will find that this brain surgeon in the making had somehow been tinkered with by someone he ran into at that university of his.