Initial police accounts said he surrendered without incident to officers who found him at his car behind the theater complex. But Oates, in an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, described a more complicated scene in the minutes after the shooting. He said police arriving at the scene might have mistaken Holmes for a SWAT officer. He was allegedly dressed in black ballistic gear, including a helmet, a throat guard, a vest, leggings and gloves.
Oates said a piece of equipment in Holmes’s elaborate gear — he would not specify which piece — struck one of the responding officers as irregular. The officer questioned Holmes. Oates did not describe the exchange, only the result: Holmes was arrested.
How did this guy get all this elaborate SWAT gear? He was so convincingly dressed that he only had one piece of gear that was irregular? And it appeared irregular to only one responding officer?
See, had Holmes wanted to kill people and get away with it, he would have shot up the place and then thrown down his guns and screamed like a regular patron and run out in the ensuing mayhem. It makes no sense that he would wear protective body armor if he's going to be shooting unarmed movie patrons, and if he doesn't plan on shooting it out with the cops --which, apparently, he was not planning to do, as he surrendered without incident.
So he just stands there? In a complete SWAT outfit, to be questioned by one eagle-eyed responding officer? To allow himself to be taken into custody?
And there just coincidentally happened to be a law enforcement drill going on at the same time about just such a mass shooting? Uh huh. Sounds like what is known as "drill gone live."
The tragedy in Colorado had law enforcement officials across the country on high alert. As it turns out, Prince George’s County police already had plans to train for a mass shooting on July 20. News4′s Pat Collins has our report.
And the guy just happened to amass all this weapons and explosives expertise while being a brain surgeon or whatever?
This doesn't add up.
I have a strong suspicion that our eagle-eyed responding officer who identified the one, slight irregularity in Holmes SWAT outfit had been pre-positioned to finger Holmes from the start, and that some slight detail in Holmes SWAT outfit had been irregular on purpose, as cover for explaining how our eagle-eyed cop identified the perp. That's how it works in these patsy put-up jobs.
I'd start by checking out that responding officer who arrested Holmes. How would a regular officer have a detailed knowledge of SWAT uniforms? And was there any DHS Fusion Center operating with the Aurora PD? (You will recall that the bankers who hired their lackeys in intelligence to fly drones in the Twin Towers had provided, within their draconian legislation, for the creation of their privately owned occupation government, the Department of Homeland Security. DHS ain't your friend.)
Would that responding officer have any unusual connection with DHS? Some kind of liaison, perhaps?
And I'd check with the Prince George County authorities and find out who it was over at United States they were working with in the planning of this "drill."
I guarantee you that all roads lead to Washington. And I can smell that stinking, fetid abortion called the Department of Homeland Security. They are, after all, the ones who've purchased hundreds of millions of rounds of ammo all of a sudden for some reason. Maybe they don't want the people being armed when they bring down the hammer on America's populace --the one, last hope for this dead nation formerly known as the United States of America.