You know how street gangs will flash their hand signs and tag walls and bridges and the like? An astute gang specialist in your police department will know how to decipher those signs. He will, like some sort of archaeologist reading hieroglyphs, be able to discern the connections between various members, the extent of their territory, the businesses that gang is involved in, etc.
I have been following this particular gang for nearly twenty years. I am well familiar with their signs and their rituals.
Watch this video. Though it may seem to you to be strange and kooky, it's really not. The gang we're dealing with have rituals. These rituals may seem silly to you, but I assure you that these rituals are not silly to them. The astute gang specialist in the police department will suspend all judgment as he records and deciphers the codes and rituals of the target gang.
I agree with 95% of the analysis in this video (which is a frame-by-frame breakdown of the original video.) I might have a different take on a few points, and I'm not sure there is much to be had from the onionskin overlays on top of the ancient stone carvings. Also, what the analyst calls a "bomb" next to George Bush's head in the video is not a bomb. It's an ejaculating penis, which is significant in pagan religions.
There is not a single frame of the original video that is wasted. Not a single image is superfluous. Every last image in that video is significant. Pay attention. For example, within the snowflake to the left of the blackboard is a six-pointed star, sometimes erroneously called the Star of David, the symbol for Israel. It's not. It is the Seal of Solomon, which was adopted by the Rothschild family as their crest. It is a form of sacred geometry which has its place in hyperdimensional physics. This is the "magic" that these Illuminists employ. It's not magic, it's physics. One of the reasons why I am so perfectly fascinated by Judaism is that the Torah appears to be an encoding of hyperdimensional physics.
What I do know about this gang is that they share a religion. That religion is called Illuminism, which is synonymous with Luciferianism, which is sometimes referred to as Satanism. (As you may know, George Bush comes from a very long line of Satanists.) It is not necessary that I, as a gang investigator, believe in the religion, only that I acknowledge that its adherents do.
Its adherents believe that they are the descendants and keepers of the knowledge of what they call the Annunaki, those in whose image A-dam was created.
That religion employs magic. And part of that magic is that its practitioners must tell you beforehand precisely what it is they intend to do to you.
This video, "I, Pet Goat II" is a clear instance of this monied, criminal gang of Luciferians telling the world what they intend to do.
I do believe strongly that they have another massive false flag event planned. I believe that it will be executed in the United States. Any such event will have been executed by the CIA, Mossad, and FEMA (now the Department of Homeland Security.) Those agencies are the "muscle" for the Illuminati bankers and their minions who are in the process of enslaving the rest of humanity to be used as servants of their god, Lucifer, whom they regard as the Illumined One.
(Lucifer is a forgery and has deluded these Illuminists.)
Those who commissioned this video in no way would care that I share it with my audience. They don't care. The purpose of the video, after all, is to baldy state to everyone what they intend to do. It is part of their magic.
But as every frame in that video is significant --not a single image superfluous-- not a single frame in this life, this creation, this "computer generated" reality here, is wasted. Significant information is to be found everywhere in this physical world, signs and codes deliberately planted by the architect of this place.
All is as it should be in this world. The movie isn't over until the credits roll. There are twists and turns and surprises and fearful moments in that drama. There cannot be a protagonist without an antagonist. We appear to have the great privilege to be witness to the final scenes in a drama written an eternity ago by some architect, some artist or computer programmer, some higher intelligence. Everything turns out okay in the end. I have it on good authority. Just stick with me; you'll do fine.
Everything you have ever experienced has been magic. It has all been an illusion. Illusions cannot hurt you, except to the extent that you may hurt yourself in your response to those illusions.
Pay very close attention to this video. It tells us all we need to know to identify the next massive attack on the United States and the world.