I never, in my wildest imaginings, ever believed that it would be so difficult to earn a living in my field of expertise, a field in which I have racked up NUMEROUS professional distinctions.
It is simply impossible to talk sense into Americans, and this video explains why.
Americans didn't just drink the Kool Aid during their decade-long drug trip into Cuckooville; they mainlined it. They were scoopin' the concentrate right out of the can and cooking it up in a spoon.
What we are dealing with as we try to erect a legal structure to jam this ship of state's rudder starboard is a nation of traumatized zombies who WILL regard us as the enemy. You are now about to get a taste of what it has been like for me as I worked for years while everyone thought I was the bad guy.
9-11 was an instance of what is known in the intelligence biz as trauma-based mind control. It's like stunning fish in a pond with a stun grenade and just collecting them as they float to the surface. Your nation has been raped and it is now dead.
You are extremely fortunate to have a person with Aspergers Syndrome in charge now. Such people have variant neurology --their brains are simply wired differently-- and they are completely immune to the tricks of the three-card monte con artists on the street corner. And they do not experience fear in the way that normal people do. Fear is experienced more as a sort of threat assessment meter reading, not an emotional response. It is not that I'm crazy or careless or reckless. It is that I take note of the meter reading now and again and continue on.
Isn't it nice to have someone around here for a change who can think straight?
As Fundamental Constabulary gets booted up and running, we're going to have to be mindful that things will get worse before they get better. We're going to have an entire nation of people whose minds are going to implode. They will be very unstable and dangerous to themselves and others. They truly are the Inhabitants of Dreamland. (As a matter of fact, I'm going to title one chapter in my memoir "The Inhabitants of Dreamland have indicted my sanity.")