I was a charming and loving, yet willful and disobedient child. I did as I saw fit at all times. I'm no worse off for it. And some would argue that we need a few prima donnas around here --those for whom the rules simply do not apply, as they always deliver on time and under budget.
My mother --bless her dear, departed heart-- was blind in her right eye. She was born with that eye being crossed. As you may know, the brain will "turn off" the eye that is crossed. (She later had surgery to straighten out the eye, but the eye was still unseeing.)
If you can envision my mother standing in front of the bathroom mirror, applying makeup perhaps, or otherwise standing such that her right eye was toward the open bathroom door to her right, you can see that a scheming twelve-year-old boy might figure out that he can sidle down the hallway toward his bedroom with snacks and other treats from the kitchen without being detected.
I became a master at exploiting her visual deficiency, at flying under the radar. It was a skill I would later apply to my computer hacking exploits as a high school freshman in 1982. My high school was one of the few to have computers at that time --more precisely, they had a single minicomputer the size of a refrigerator, with terminals located throughout the campus.
I quickly learned how to get up to things on that computer that I really should not have been involved in. I learned how to guess or deduce passwords, how to change my user account permissions, and how to read the teachers' private files.
A computer is a wondrous thing because merely by typing words onto a keyboard, one can compel that system to act as one wishes.
A legal system is a wondrous thing because merely by typing words onto pieces of paper, one can compel that system to act as one wishes.
A legal system is an enormously powerful machine that can be spoofed and jammed, turned left and right. And by steering it this way or that, the entire ship of state can be turned completely around. It truly is like a ship, and you need only to jam the rudder full port or full starboard to effect that turnaround. Pick a direction, it makes no difference.
United States is blind in one eye. It is blind by choice because it turns into a pillar of salt if it beholds that compressor. That jurisdiction will quite assiduously ignore any who may sidle by it to the right, anyone carrying treats, carrying cookies, carrying arrestees.
In that manner, we may pick off criminals one by one. And the jurisdiction will do absolutely nothing about it --the arrests won't even make the papers-- because to do so means beholding that compressor, which means the entire system comes down.
Do you see?
We are going to sidle --no, actually that's the wrong word-- we're going to strut right through the system's blind spot, a zone into which it simply refuses to peer.
Wolfteam: Attach that compressor to me with a gordian knot of legal tripwires like my mommy used to pin my mittens to my sleeves. Make sure that there is no legal means whatsoever of severing it from me. I want that compressor rigged to detonate right in the middle of any court into which I may be dragged.
There are numerous things within the purview of Fundamental Constabulary. These include war crimes, 9-11 crimes, and the nullification of entire chunks of post-9/11 legislation. We are going to use Fundamental Constabulary to make illegal the following of the USA PATRIOT act by United States law enforcement personnel. ("You have no extra powers now. Does it matter? Of course not; you'd never get the right guys anyway. All you goofs have done is to turn this country into a police state with your grunting and your waddling and your geddownonthegroun'motherfucker routine. Content yourselves with your nightsticks and your Hawaii Five-O style walkie talkies with the big, long metal antennas or you're fired. You don't ask the barber if you need a haircut. You don't ask a cop if he can sniff your asshole. I suggest you goofballs take a refresher course at the local community college on basic police work, like, oh, maybe getting the right goddamned guys for a change. When you're not a national embarrassment, we'll consider your request for cell phones and those pens with all three colors in them, red, green, and blue.")
That compressor can be used as an inverter of sorts, a switch that makes legal things illegal and makes illegal things legal. By jamming the legal system into inaction, it makes the operation of Fundamental Constabulary legal, and it makes illegal the use of all post-9/11 surveillance powers, for example, by compelling that jurisdiction to ignore the operation of Fundamental Constabulary as it arrests United States agents who avail themselves of the provisions of that nullified act.
(I feel like a monkey in some experiment where the guys in lab coats are observing me from behind a one-way mirror. They've placed me in a room with some toy wooden blocks, perhaps, and a tape measure or whatever, and a toy horn, and a power drill --all as an experiment to see what I can do with it all. But much to everyone's alarm, something's gone wrong! "Oh my God! He's figured out how to use the power drill!")
I want you to devise a tribunal structure, erected pursuant to the authority of that foreign jurisdiction, the People, to be executed by its constabulary, Fundamental Constabulary, a tribunal structure suited to arresting and trying war criminals and 9-11 criminals.
United States rules of evidence and procedure are not relevant, nor are classified firewalls impenetrable, as United States is foreign to the People. United States agents may not be able to use classified information in court --classified not because its divulging threatens national security, but classified because its divulging exposes crimes-- but there are no such limitations on a foreign constabulary. Fundamental Constabulary can just kick in a door and take what they want.
Also devise the legal means for an agent of Fundamental Constabulary to place his hand on an unindicted criminal's shoulder and say, "You don't work here anymore. And I know that because I have attached a gordian knot of legal tripwires to you that detonate a certain compressor if the legal system even beholds you. And your boss won't mind if I pick your replacement. You see, I can always remove him too."
You can see that Fundamental Constabulary could just pluck people out of their offices and send them packing. And there simply is no legal recourse for the fired criminal because the legal system cannot behold him without that compressor detonating.
Fundamental Constabulary is, in effect, the adult supervision in Washington. Its moral authority to act and its legal system jamming capabilities both derive from that compressor.
I don't think most people fully comprehend just how powerful that compressor really is. It kills all that it touches. Therefore, the jurisdiction can't not obey the man who swings it over his head on a chain.
Wolfteam, I want you to lie on your backs in the park some day this week and daydream. I want you to dream up all kinds of things that can be accomplished by creating "no-look zones," impenetrable tunnels right through the middle of the legal system of United States, tunnels dug as if through a coal mine, the timbers supporting it replaced by a veritable wallpapering of the Capta Brightstick Document.
I want you to rig the legal system up for controlled demolition if United States should ever even set eyes on the agents or the activities of Fundamental Constabulary. (Obviously, I am a member of Fundamental Constabulary, and I will be making arrests. You and I will be conferring on this latest vocation of mine.)
You know the legal system inside and out. You know precisely where to place those charges.
Do it. With your assistance, we can jam this ship into pulling a one-eighty before it's too late.