The Republican presidential front-runner was all set to deliver a stump speech at a pancake breakfast in Milwaukee. He was ushered into a ballroom. He waited backstage behind a black curtain. Arrows on the floor showed him where to walk.
“It’s completely empty!” Romney said, save for a handful of aides. “There’s nobody there. I thought, ‘Oh, boy, this is gonna look really bad on the evening news, let me tell you.’ ”
It turned out that Ryan and Johnson were in on the prank, which Romney’s traveling aides had hatched up late Saturday night. They had built a fake set for a Romney event. The applause was really a soundtrack played through a set of speakers.
After aides shouted “April fools!” at him, the former Massachusetts governor made his way to the real ballroom, where he addressed an overflow crowd of several hundred supporters and served them pancakes.
"Shh! Here he comes!"
"Hey, guys!"
"Mister Romney! Mister Romney! You won! You won the presidency!"
"I did? But it's only April. The election isn't for months yet."
"It doesn't matter! We shook a deal with the Republican party honchos! You remember them, don't you? The ones whose trucks with all the ballots magically 'went missing' and never got counted even after their phone tallies showed Ron Paul winning, again and again, in state after state? The honchos who were caught on video conspiring to pretend that Ron Paul didn't even exist, much less would they allow him delegates? Yeah, well, everyone agreed 'in for a penny, in for a pound!' So why not go 'full corrupt?!' We shook a deal with the party honchos, and they, in turn, shook a deal with Voter News Service! Everyone's agreed just to make you president! They'll fill out the papers later! You'll get to luxuriate in the Oval Office and put your feet up on the desk and make like this is 1965 or something when people even recognized that turd of a jurisdiction! You'll be able to torture anyone you want! Snoop on their communications! Fight terriss to your heart's content! Issue preverbal legal gruntings that people will just wipe their asses with!"
"But if people barf at the mere sight of the jurisdiction, and if they're erecting their own mutual defense associations and hammering out the legal frameworks for tribunals, what good is being president?"
"It's not! Ha ha! Hahahahahahaha! April Fools!"