THE moon morphs into a talking dog and implores a young man to kill his friend. A peyote-powered bachelor party goes majestically off the rails, leading to cross-dressing and cannibalism. An aspiring comedian in search of ever-stronger narcotics, bottles, then huffs the souls of the freshly dead in Hollywood.
These are not entries in some twisted dream journal; they are scenes from Season 1 of the online series “Next Time on Lonny,” a reality show sendup created by two graduates of New York University , Alex Anfanger, 26, and Dan Schimpf, 25. They write the episodes together; Mr. Anfanger stars as Lonny and Mr. Schimpf directs.
Because if you choose to take Americans up on their advertised commitment to truth, justice, and some marketing term known as The American Way (R), then you will immediately become Public Enemy No. 1; you will wind up in a legal bubble, wrapped up in a gordian knot of kook law, legal provisions that accidentally construct for you an impenetrable theoretical principality; you will be accorded various staffs in Washington, just like the big shot you had always maintained yourself at parties to be anyway; you'll be able to perform for your audience with your feet up on the desk in your living room; you'll get to argue your own case in some southin courtroom by hooking your thumbs into your suspenders and text messaging yourself; and you'll never get your ticket receipts, without which you can't hire camera guys and writers.
And to top it all off, no one will even acknowledge your existence by extending a friendly hand into your existential no man's land unless you roll their cop cars by lobbing compressors over the wall --at which point they'll clap you on the back and say, "Big fan, Chris --aaaaaand you're under arrest."
So I certainly hope these two young comedians don't have occasion to call this nation's bluff about the whole desiring the truth thing. Saying anything relevant is a non-starter in this biz. Take it from an old pro.