Foreign bankers targeted the executive branch of the United States government as their preferred instrument of control. But, see, the Congress has the power to de-fund any of that branch's activities. The Congress has the ability to interrupt the power supply. The solution to that strategic weakness, obviously, is to provide the executive branch with its own power source. That is why we see, for any number of decades now, executive orders that claim that that branch has the authority (which it does not, these orders notwithstanding) to seize any and all private property and any national means of production if it's to protect us from the bad men --who always, conveniently enough, show up at the most opportune of times.
The executive branch, that junior partner in a republic, is gearing up to "go all in."
Watch this video, by a newsman who fully gets it, who details for you the final phase of your nation's annihilation.